Resource Bank


Early Literacy Systems that Support Learning Executive Summary

Educator Effectiveness Resource

Educator Evaluation -Models, Parameters, Issues and Implementation 

This paper describes two methods for educator evaluation.

Effective Instructional Leadership Requires Assessment Leadership

This article describes what principals need to know about assessment and how they can support the teachers in their buildings.

Embedding Performance Assessment in Instruction

The recorded presentation with Ed Roeber, Assessment Director, MAC, and accompanying article Re-balancing Assessment by Hoffman, Goodwin and Kahl set the stage to create a set of prioritized standards and develop performance assessments to embed in ongoing instruction and highlight the benefits of collaboratively scoring student work

Expanding assessment literacy: A pitch to American publishers

Two missions are undertaken in this ThinkPoint essay by James Popham. He says, “Mission One is to convince readers that the single most cost-effective way to improve our schools is to increase the assessment literacy of concerned clienteles. Mission Two is to invite American publishers, chiefly those who publish books or journals dealing with educational testing, to participate actively in promoting a nationwide expansion of assessment literacy.”

FAME Website: Formative Assessment for Michigan Educators (FAME) 

FAME Website:  Formative Assessment for MI Educators (FAME) is a professional learning initiative sponsored by the Michigan Department of Education.  This site supports the program and contains many high-quality resources and links.

Formative assessment(s) or formative assessment? The “s” makes a difference.

This Learning Point describes the misconception that results when using the term “formative assessmentS” to describe the formative assessment PROCESS.

Formative Assessment: An Enabler of Learning

This short article by Margaret Heritage summarizes what we know about the potential of formative assessment practice to support and advance learning.

Formative Assessment: Making It Happen in the Classroom, by Margaret Heritage

Formative Assessment and Design of Instructional Systems

This document provides an important voice to the discussion of formative assessment.

Formative Assessment and Next-Generation Assessment Systems: Are We Losing an Opportunity?

This paper lays out a vision for formative assessment with the hope that the two assessment consortia - PARCC and SBAC - would include formative assessment in their then-emerging assessment systems.