Resource Bank


Book Chat with Jay McTighe

In this MAC Book Chat, author Jay McTighe discusses his book, "Assessing Student Learning by Design: Principles and Practices for Teachers and School Leaders" (Teachers College Press, 2021). Jay also co-authored with Grant Wiggins the best-selling "Understanding by Design" published by ASCD.

Book Chat with Margaret Heritage

In this book chat, you'll enjoy a 12-minute "conversation" with Margaret Heritage, co-author of the 2020 book, "Formative Assessment in the Disciplines: Framing a Continuum of Professional Learning," available from Harvard Education Press at Margaret chats about why she wrote the book, reflects on some key take-aways for educators, and hints at a new project she undertook in 2021.

Can Balanced, Quality Assessment Practices Positively Impact School Culture?

This blog post authored by Carol Commodore for Corwin outlines how  strong school culture is supported by a balanced, quality assessment system.

CCSSO: Tools and Resources for Standards Implementation  

Since development of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), many resources have been developed by CCSSO and others to develop quality assessments that align to the CCSS.

CCSSO Criteria for Procuring and Evaluating High-Quality Assessments

This paper describes the procedures for purchasing high quality student assessments.

Changing Classroom Practice

This article promotes the use of teacher learning communities to promote the use for formative assessment.

Choosing and Using Non-Academic Screening Tools

This document produced by MDE and the Comprehensive Center Network, defines the strategy of universal screening on common concerns in relationship to mental and behavioral health. The proper use of screening tools to assess students’ social, emotional, and mental health is described as a strategy used to determine the adequacy of support provided within a multi-tier system for students’ well-being.

Choosing and Using Non-Academic Screening Tools

This document, produced by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) and the Comprehensive Center Network, defines the strategy of universal screening on common concerns in relationship to mental and behavioral health. The proper use of screening tools to assess students’ social, emotional, and mental health is described as a strategy used to determine the adequacy of support provided within a multi-tier system for students’ well-being.

Classroom Assessment Minute by Minute, Day by Day 

This article describes how formative assessment can be used by teachers to constantly adjust instruction in their classrooms.

Commitments from CCSSO and CGCS on High Quality Assessments

This brief paper summarizes what assessments of learning should accomplish and standards we should observe in construction and use.

CompetencyWorks/Aurora Institute

CompetencyWorks, at the Aurora Institute, is a knowledge-building hub and online resource providing information about K-12 competency-based education.

Components of an Equitable Assessment System-Brief

This brief describes ten Components of an Equitable Assessment System (CEAS), with examples and recommended resources, that can guide educators in ensuring equitable access to high-quality learning experiences for all students. It also describes three foundational convictions regarding the type of learning environment needed to support such an equitable assessment system.