Resource Bank


Assessment Advances Michigan’s Top 10 in 10 Strategic Goals

The Top 10 in 10 goals for Michigan education are laid out in this table,

Assessment as a Positive Influence on 21st Century Teaching and Learning: A Systems Approach to Progress

Assessment as a Positive Influence on 21st Century Teaching and Learning: A Systems Approach to Progress, James W. Pellegrino. Educational Psychology, Volume 20, Issue 2 , December 2014 , Pages 65-77. Creative Commons license:

Assessment Blueprint Example & Template

This tool demonstrates a draft plan (blueprint), including: purpose, item rigor, item type, and item alignment to standards.

Assessment Crisis: The Absence of Assessment for Learning

This resource describes the impact of the absence of formative assessment in many classrooms.

Assessment For Learning: 10 Principles 

This site offers a free download of the poster produced by the Assessment Reform Group (ARG) in 2002, which summarizes the key features resulting from research into Assessment for Learning.

Assessment for Learning in STEM Teaching: online course from the National STEM Learning Centre

This free, online course is designed for K-12 STEM teachers. It features Christine Harrison, Andrea Mappleback, and Dylan Wiliam.

Assessment Learning Modules Series

The Assessment Learning Modules are aligned to Assessment Literacy Standards that serve as a core to all MAC professional learning opportunities. The modules were developed by the MAC and authored by nationally-recognized assessment experts. Each module provides an opportunity for engagement, reflection, and access to tools and other resources that can support professional learning.

Assessment Literacy Standards: A National Imperative MAC, Inc. 2017

This document explains the need for increased assessment literacy, defines assessment literacy, includes assessment literacy standards for students, teachers, administrators and policy makers.  It includes references and a glossary of terms

Assessment Literacy Standards Glossary MAC , Inc. 2018

This living document, is continually updated on the MAC website to reflect terms used in the Assessment Literacy Standards as well as terms used in the MAC developed Assessment Learning Modules

Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning

This book by authors Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, Vince Bustamante, and John Hattie offers advice for Measuring Student Learning in Any Setting.

Assessment Purposes

This is a document describing the different purposes of assessment developed by Ed Roeber.

Assessment Training Institute Website

This resources provides a link to the Assessment Training Institute and the myriad of resources that can be obtained there.