Sample rubric highlights: purpose, alignment to content and item rigor, reports and administration
In this 8.5 minute video, presenter Jill Willis outlines Four Assessment Capabilities that research suggests all teachers need. Dr. Willis and her fellow researchers from around the world—Bronwen Cowie, Christine Harrison, and Chris DeLuca—have taken an introspective look at the differences in assessment cultures across four countries to propose four shared assessment capabilities worth developing among our teachers. This session chat summarizes the content presented during a 2.5-hour webinar for MAC's Assessment Learning Network. 1.18.22
This link shows seven reasons for using standards-based grading practices.
In this article, McTighe and Martin-Kniep identify seven strategies to support the unprecedented adaptations we have had to make as a result of COVID-19 and switch to remote learning. They point out meaningful engagement through tasks that develop valuable skills, and produce habits of mind for school and life.
Shirley Clark’s website is designed to support teachers in using formative assessment practices. This page highlights useful online resources.
This source is a suggested resource to supplement the November 22nd, 2019 ALN event. It is a Facebook group co-moderated by Ken O'Connor.
Developed jointly by AERA, APA and NCME, these standards represent the gold standard in guidance on testing.
This resource describes how a school can re-look at its grading purposes.
This Learning Point describes the basic steps in choosing an assessment for use in schools.
This guide can help local educators use student assessment results, as well as the process of reporting the results, to help build public confidence and support, strengthen the family’s role in schooling, and help students learn the challenging standards being assessed.
Four videos produced by Heidi Andrade and students and teachers from Brooklyn, NY demonstrate key components of self and peer assessment, reflection, and benefits.
Two-page guide from the Waterloo Region School District's, Assessment Evaluation and Reporting Handbook