This Learning Point describes the difference between proficiency and growth in student achievement.
This graphic depicts how the formative assessment process has been conceptualized and is taught through the FAME program in Michigan.
This paper presents some of the benefits of using formative assessment practices.
Measuring mastery of deeper learning skills required for college and career-readiness necessitates using performance assessment, portfolios, capstone projects. This site provides models, links research and highlights intersections to policy.
This Learning Point briefly describes two concepts central to accurate student assessment: reliability (refers to the consistency of test scores) and validity (refers to the degree that a text measures what it purports to measure).
This resource provides an overview of the FAST SCASS's revised definition on formative assessment, originally published in 2006. The revised definition includes an overview of the attributes of effective formative assessment and emphasizes new areas emerging from current research, theory and practice.
This 14-minute video produced by the MAC features author Rick Stiggins answering questions about assessment literacy.
Susan Brookhart provided a role-specific list of assessment learning resources.
Strategies used to score assessments and assessment items.
Brief explanation of S-R and C-R item types and properties needed for item development.