Resource Bank


Module 1: Building and Using Common Assessments: A Professional Development Series

In this module you will learn what common assessments are, on which learning targets they might be based, and why common assessments are so important.

Module 2: What Is a Common Assessment

In this module you will learn what common assessments are, on which learning targets they might be based, and why common assessments are so important.

Module 3: Determining the Outcomes of the Common Assessments

Module 3 will help your team explore the different purposes of assessment, as well as how the purpose can affect the assessment design.

Module 4: Identifying Learning Targets for the Common Assessment

This module describes the entire series and how to use them to create and use high quality common assessments.

Module 5: Matching the Assessment Methods to he Learning Target

Taking a closer look at the various types of learning targets, this module describes how to match them to appropriate assessment methods.

Module 6: Assessing Students with Special Needs

The goal of this module is to describe and illustrate ways students with special needs can be more fully included from the start in common assessments.

Module 7: Writing the Test Blueprint

Module 7 will introduce users to the development of a test blueprint that should guide the common assessment construction and use.

Module 8: Writing Selected Response Items–Part 1

In this module you will learn how to write high quality multiple-choice items.

Module 8: Writing Selected Response Items–Part 2

In this module you will learn how to write high quality multiple-choice items.

Module 9: Writing Constructed-Response Items

This module will review the various types of constructed-response items,the benefits and drawbacks of this type of item and provide some guidelines for development of them.

Module 10 Writing Performance Assessments

Module 10 explains how to break from traditional paper-pencil assessments by developing and using performance assessments.

Module 11 Using Portoflios to Assess Students

In this module, you will learn about scoring rubrics and scoring guides - what they are, why they are necessary, and the basics of how to develop different kinds.