In this ALN Learning Moment video, Jill Willis answers the questions, "What is the implied theory of action for teacher assessment capability within an effective Assessment for Learning model? What are its important characteristics?"- 4.12.19.
In this ALN Learning Moment video, Jill Willis answers the questions, "How do you define teacher assessment capability? What are its important characteristics?"- 4.12.19.
In this ALN Learning Moment video, Jill Willis answers the question, "What teacher assessment practices are prioritized in an effective Assessment for Learning model, and how do these practices position teachers?"- 4.12.19.
In this ALN Learning Moment video, Jill Willis answers the question, "What mechanisms do you recommend for gathering feedback on and making adaptations to teacher development efforts?"- 4.12.19.
In this ALN Learning Moment video, Jill Willis answers the question, "What role does time management play in allowing teachers to effectively engage in Assessment for Learning?"- 4.12.19.
In this ALN Learning Moment video, Jill Willis answers the question, "Who takes responsibility for developing teachers’ assessment capability within an effective Assessment for Learning model?"- 4.12.19.
In this ALN Learning Moment video, Jim Gullen answers the question, "What is the best growth model to use?"- 3.2.18.
In this ALN Learning Moment video, Jim Gullen answers the question, "What are the challenges in accurately measuring student growth?"- 3.2.18.
In this ALN Learning Moment video, Jim Gullen answers the question, "Why are there so many models available to measure student growth?"- 3.2.18.
In this ALN Learning Moment video, Jim Gullen answers the question, "What is a growth model?"- 3.2.18.
In this ALN Learning Moment video, Jim Gullen answers the question, "What should we be concerned about in addition to choosing the appropriate growth model for our purpose?"- 3.2.18.
In this ALN Learning Moment video, Jim Gullen answers the questions, "How would you advise a school administrator who is charged with selecting and implementing a growth model? What process or resource would you recommend?"- 3.2.18.