Two missions are undertaken in this ThinkPoint essay by James Popham. He says, “Mission One is to convince readers that the single most cost-effective way to improve our schools is to increase the assessment literacy of concerned clienteles. Mission Two is to invite American publishers, chiefly those who publish books or journals dealing with educational testing, to participate actively in promoting a nationwide expansion of assessment literacy.”
FAME Website: Formative Assessment for MI Educators (FAME) is a professional learning initiative sponsored by the Michigan Department of Education. This site supports the program and contains many high-quality resources and links.
This Learning Point describes the misconception that results when using the term “formative assessmentS” to describe the formative assessment PROCESS.
This short article by Margaret Heritage summarizes what we know about the potential of formative assessment practice to support and advance learning.
This document provides an important voice to the discussion of formative assessment.
This paper lays out a vision for formative assessment with the hope that the two assessment consortia - PARCC and SBAC - would include formative assessment in their then-emerging assessment systems.
List of 48 tools/tactics that can be utilized to gather evidence of student thinking, a key part of the formative assessment process.
This guide is used by the FAME program to assist teachers with planning.
The purpose of this coding booklet is to permit teachers to examine their instruction, reflect on areas for improvement and observe changes over time. The booklet contains rubrics and are coordinated to FAME components and elements.
Providing and managing formative feedback in anonline learning environment is considered in the webinar featured on this event page.