Re-framing “Rigor”

Necessary conditions to achieve equitable and ambitious outcomes for ALL Students

This session re-frames Rigor from a 4-letter word (more or hard) to ambitious outcomes for ALL students. New Paradigm for Education (NPFE) is operationalizing the conditions needed to achieve equitable and ambitious outcomes for students.

New Paradigm for Education has reframed the definition of rigor and positions what it means for the student. They define “rigor” as:

  • Sufficiently and appropriately challenging
  • Educational equity that prepares students for success
  • Learning environments that are stimulating, engaging and supportive
  • Appropriate learning experiences motivate students to learn
  • Lessons encourage students to question their assumptions and think deeply
  • It is more thinking but not more work

This session will explore how deep learning and assessment are being actualized in an urban setting to realize achievement of high expectations with all students.

Framing Questions

  1. What is our definition of rigor and how does it impact what we do with our students?
  2. How does our definition of rigor provide more equitable learning for all our students?
  3. How have we embedded this work into the fabric of our teaching, learning, and assessing practices?
  4. What connections might you make between our journey and your current context?
Event Resources

Presentation Video

ALN Presentation: Re-framing Rigor. Open the video via to navigate chapters.

Presenter: Kimberly Bland

Dr. Kimberly Bland is Chief Academic Officer for New Paradigm for Education (NPFE).

Presenter: Shannon Ware

Shannon Ware is Director of Curriculum for New Paradigm for Education (NPFE).

Presenter: Paul Szymanski

Paul Szymanski is Science Director for New Paradigm for Education (NPFE).

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