Join us for MAC Reads 2021!
Participate individually or form/join a book study group! MAC will offer a study guide to support reading and discussions!
Featured book for 2021

Formative Assessment in the Disciplines: Framing a Continuum of Professional Learning
by Margaret Heritage and Caroline Wylie
The authors offer a compelling look at the connections between the formative assessment process, ambitious teaching, and disciplinary knowledge. Using real-life examples, they lead the reader through a clear and accessible professional learning framework that will deepen every educator’s understanding of the knowledge and skills necessary to implement discipline-based formative assessment practices to improve teacher efficacy and student achievement.
Mark Your Calendars!
Launch webinar: Oct. 12, 2021 4-6 pm
Author webinar: Jan. 26, 2022 4-6 pm
Participant Can Expect:
- An increased, and shared, awareness of the formative assessment process.
- A unique understanding of the formative assessment process as embedded in various content areas.
- An awareness of Ambitious Teaching and how it intersects with formative assessment to enhance quality teaching and learning.
- A deeper connection to one’s own practice; perhaps moving along the continuum of knowing to doing and/or from doing to being more intentional and purposeful about implementation.
- An increased understanding of the layers of professional learning inherent in our schools as we differentiate experiences for our pre-service, novice and more seasoned educators.
Interested in joining a study group?
MAC has made available to study groups a set of high-level discussion questions, a chapter-by-chapter study guide and additional resources about the formative assessment process. See below for a current list of association-sponsored book study groups and how to join.
Michigan ASCD; Melissa Usiak, Executive Director
MI-ASCD’s perspective supports a deeper understanding of school as a cohesive system of teaching and learning with curriculum as the intersection of instruction, content, and assessment. Reading from this systems stance will inform the MI ASCD Book Study Group, to join our Book Study Group visit
MAISA ELA-ISD; Melissa Wing, ELA-ISD Leadership Team
The MAISA ELA-ISD Leadership Team is eager to explore the continuum of literacy development and associated goals we hold for ELA and the important intersections to discipline-based formative assessment practices. To join our ELA-focused Book Study Group, contact Melissa Wing, ELA-ISD Leadership Team,
MI Council for the Social Studies; Stan Masters, District 6 Representative/Treasurer
The Michigan Council for the Social Studies (MCSS) is ready to explore the disciplinary literacy attributes found in the social studies using the Arc of Inquiry. To join our Social Studies, Book Study Group, contact Stan Masters, District 6 Representative/Treasurer at
Learning Forward Michigan Amy Colton, Executive Director
Learning Forward Michigan (LFM) builds educators’ knowledge and skills to lead and sustain highly effective professional learning that increases educator capacity to achieve excellence and equity in teaching and learning. LFM is excited to collaborate with others on the exploration on how to design professional learning to increase the agency and capacity of educators discipline-based formative assessment practices .
To join our PL-focused Book Study Group, register here:
View other related events here:
Michigan Mathematics and Science Leadership Network (MMSLN) Mary Starr, PhD, Executive Director
Building on our work in formative assessment, the Michigan Mathematics and Science Leadership Network (MMSLN) is partnering with the MAC to bring this book study to Mathematics and Science educators throughout Michigan. By taking a discipline-based stance, our book discussions will be applicable to supporting and implementing classroom instruction and improving practice. The Science and Math Book Study groups will meet November 17, Dec. 15, and January 19, from 4:00-5:15 p.m.! Register for these free discussions at
Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Kathy Berry, Immediate Past-President
MCTM is delighted to partner with MAC as we continue to promote the power of the formative assessment process in mathematics learning and teaching. Join us to explore how formative assessment supports and improves student-centered learning when embedded in cognitively demanding mathematics tasks, discourse, questioning, thinking routines, and leveraging student voice and choice. In collaboration with MMSLN, the Science and Math Book Study groups will meet November 17, December 15, and January 19, from 4:00 – 5:15 pm. Register for these free discussions at:
Formative Assessment for Michigan Educators, FAME
Formative Assessment for Michigan Educators (FAME) project has been providing learning opportunities for Michigan educators since 2008. As we deepen our understanding of the formative assessment process, it is clear that educators like learning together and see the power of collaborative learning. We are excited about the MAC Reads book study as a way to continue a shared learning experience on this important topic. Our book study will include current veteran FAME coaches and lead by two FAME Regional Leads, LeeAnn Moore and Kristy Walters.