Measuring Student Growth: So Much More than Subtracting Two Numbers The measurement of student growth is receiving increased attention in public education. The measurement of changes in student achievement present a number of challenges compared to measuring other sorts of student growth such as height or weight. Because of these challenges, a variety of methodologies have been developed to measure and communicate student growth. Each of these models can provide useful information, but only if they are well understood by all who make use of them. This presentation will present aspects of the measurement of student growth that must be understood regardless of the growth model employed. Various growth models that are currently in use will also be presented and explained. Characteristics of each model that potentially impact how and when they should be used will also be covered. Guiding Questions 1.Why are there so many models available to measure student growth? 2.What should we be concerned about in addition to the growth model that we select? 3.Which is the best growth model to use?
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Measuring Student Growth: So Much More than Subtracting Two Numbers
Presenter: Jim Gullen
Jim Gullen is a board member of the Michigan Assessment Consortium. Jim has worked as an assessment consultant for Wayne RESA, Oakland Schools, and, most recently, the Macomb ISD. Jim also worked for a brief time in the Office of Professional Preparation Services in the Michigan Department of Education. He started his career teaching freshmen to do mathematics in the Southgate Community Schools.
Jim earned his M.A and Ph.D from Wayne State University, both in
Educational Evaluation and Research. His B.S., also earned at Wayne, is in Mathematics Education.
Jim proudly serves as treasurer of the Michigan Educational Research
Association. He is also a member of the National Council on Measurement
in Education.