The 2024 Assessment Learning Institute (ALI) takes place over a series of virtual engagements that kicks off September 28 or october 5 with an in-person, full-day seminar.
Oftentimes, educators notice a disconnect between the assessments they use in their classrooms and the broader assessment systems they work within. This can cause a misalignment between their instructional practices and classroom assessment systems when it comes to promoting student learning. This disconnect becomes more apparent as disruptive learning conditions force educators to reexamine their classroom assessment practices.
Let the faculty of the Assessment Learning Institute (ALI) meet you in this challenging context to help you more effectively use assessment to accelerate student learning. The activities in this year-long learning engagement empower and fortify teachers in using classroom assessment to support student learning.
Individual teachers—new and veteran—who are seeking to refresh their thinking about assessment and deepen their knowledge about and implementation of effective assessment practices.
Participants will deepen their understanding and knowledge about:
- assessment literacy;
- balanced assessment systems, specifically in the classroom setting;
- formative assessment as a through line;
- accurate, high-quality summative assessment selection and use; and
- students as partners in the assessment process.
As a result…participants will begin to reexamine the use of and deepen their practices around:
- effective use of pre-assessment tools;
- development and use of quality instructionally embedded modes of assessment;
- use of authentic performance assessments, with an emphasis on prioritized standards; and
- the use of quality formative feedback based on clear success criteria.
- 4 synchronous virtual engagements
- 4 Office Hours (optional)
- 4 “Talk Back” sessions
- Earn up to 24 SCECHs
Thank you to our 2024-25 ALI sponsors!