Assessment Learning Network Resources

Browse our Learning Points, keynote presentations, videos, and more.


Criterion- and norm-referenced score reporting: What is the difference?

This Learning Point describes two ways in which scores from educational tests can be reported: criterion-referenced (compares a student's raw score to a predetermined standard) or norm-referenced (compares a student's scores to those of other test-takers).

DASD Toolkit: The District Assessment Design Toolkit 

The District Assessment Design Toolkit is a resource developed for local districts by the Center for Assessment. (Senior Associate, Joseph Martineau.) MAC has piloted the toolkit to support facilitation of use. Scroll down to DASD Toolkit on the Resources page to access the toolkit

DCI Arrangements of the Next Generation Science Standards

This resource provides a table of the K-12 NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas.

Decision Making Matrix

Tool guides weighing and ranking options based on criteria related to assessment purpose to aide in selection of assessments.

Deforming the formative: How a summative mindset thwarts the aims of formative assessment

This piece provides a practitioner’s experiences as he recounts where a testing culture can interfere with a learning culture.

Designing Authentic Performance Tasks and Projects: Tools for Meaningful Learning and Assessment

Designing for Equity: Leveraging Competency-Based Education to Ensure All Students Succeed

This paper by Chris Sturgis and Kathrine Casey (iNACOL2018) offers a vision and definition of educational equity, then explains how competency-based education differs from the traditional system. The authors introduce an equity framework for personalized, competency-based education and include a discussion of each principle, examples of policies and practices that will help to create an equitable environment, and recommendations for future action.

Developing Assessments for the Next Generation Science Standards

This article describes how the NGSS can be used to create a more innovative science assessment system.

Developing Balanced Assessment Systems and the Assessment Manifesto

This paper describes characteristics of ideal classroom and other assessments in a balanced assessment system.

Developing High Quality Student Assessments

The purpose of this document (by Ed Roeber) is to present strategies that educators can use to create common types of educational assessments. Although this guide will present a number of ideas about assessment – those that are effective and those that are not – the best assessments are the result of collaboration among assessment developers and usually consists of an iterative process of development, refinement, tryouts, and further refinement. Hence, the ideas presented here are simply the beginning of a much larger process for creating high quality assessments.

Developing Michigan Into a Top 10 Education Performing State Over the Next Ten Years

This paper describes MAC’s recommendations for the role of assessment to move Michigan into a Top 10 education performing state.

Early Literacy Assessment Systems that Support Learning

This guide explains the necessary components and attributes of an assessment system designed to support the development of literacy.