Assessment Learning Network Resources

Browse our Learning Points, keynote presentations, videos, and more.


Teachers Going Gradeless

This source is a suggested resource to supplement the November 22nd, 2019 ALN event.

Teacher Tech Tools and Formative Assessment

This resource highlights 12 tech tools and how they can be used to implement aspects of FAP, such as: eliciting evidence of student thinking, providing formative feedback, panning instruction, and using questioning strategies. Tutorial videos are hyperlinked to the Tech Tools.

The 5 Keys Checklist

Adapted from Stiggins' "5 Keys to Quality Classroom Assessments", this tool identifies keys, and has a self-assessment for indicators of implementation.

The Distance Learning Playbook, Grades K-12

This book by authors Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie offers guidance on "Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting."

The Distance Learning Playbook for Parents

This book by authors Rosalind Wiseman, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie offers guidance on "How to Support Your Child's Academic, Social, and Emotional Development in Any Setting."

The Distance Learning Playbook for School Leaders

This book by authors Rosalind Wiseman, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, Dominique Smith, and John Hattie offers guidance on "Leading for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting."

The law of the land: Essential elements of the formative assessment process: Advancing formative assessment in every classroom

This document describes the value of using formative assessment in every classroom.

The Many Meanings of “Multiple Measures”

This article stresses the importance of using multiple measure when making important decisions about students or programs.

Theory of Action for Formative Assessment

This paper by FAST-SCASS is a theory of action that outlines the system-wide inputs required to bring about changes consistent with effective use of formative assessment.

The Power of Assessment for Learning: Twenty Years of Research and Practice in UK and US Classrooms (1st Edition) by Christine Ann Harrison & Margaret Heritage

Harrison, C. A., & Heritage, M. (2019). The Power of Assessment for Learning: 20 years of research and practice in UK and US schools. Sage Publications.

The public understanding of assessment in educational reform in the United States-Brookhart 2013

This article describes public understandings about assessment and accountability.

The Role, Purpose and Power of Assessment FOR Learning in an Assessment System – Margaret Heritage

Assessment Learning Network, 2016-17 - Event 2, Event Page