Assessment Learning Network Resources

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Module 10 Writing Performance Assessments

Module 10 explains how to break from traditional paper-pencil assessments by developing and using performance assessments.

Module 11 Using Portoflios to Assess Students

In this module, you will learn about scoring rubrics and scoring guides - what they are, why they are necessary, and the basics of how to develop different kinds.

Module 12 Developing and Using Scoring Guides

In this module, you will learn about scoring rubrics and scoring guides - what they are, why they are necessary, and the basics of how to develop different kinds.

Module 13: Editing the Draft Test Items

Module 13 will examine why item editing is needed, including what are some of the common errors that items writers make, how to edit out these errors, and how to prepare the assessments for field testing.

Module 14: Detecting and Eliminating Bias in Assessment Items

This module describes what is assessment bias and how can we develop assessments that eliminate items that misrepresent or inaccurately reflect student performance.

Module 15: Assembling the Assessment Instrument

The topic of this module is assembling the assessment items for field testing and actual administration.

Module 16: Field Testing

Field testing is often ignored. This module will explain it's critical importance and steps needed to produce an actual assessment that is both reliable and valid.

Module 17: Looking at Field Test Data

Module 17 describes how to look at field test data and be able to use the date to improve the assessment items.

Module 18: Reliability

This module describes what test reliability is and why is it important for users of common assessments to understand.

Module 19: Establishing Validity

In this module you will learn about the concept of validity as it applies to your common assessment and why it is important.

Module 20: Assembling the Final Common Assessment

Module 20 will guide you through the process of assembling the final common assessments.

Module 21: Assessment Administration and Scoring

This module will help you learn how to prepare to administer, score and report you newly created assessments.