Assessment Learning Network Resources

Browse our Learning Points, keynote presentations, videos, and more.


LM-Susan Brookhart: Success strategies for using formative assessment for distance learning

In this Learning Moment video, Susan Brookhart answers the question, "Based on what worked for others, what advice or recommendations might you offer for successfully using formative assessment strategies for distance learning?" 4.21.21

LM-Symonette: Culturally responsive assessment that supports social and emotional learning

In this Learning Moment video, presenter Lafeesah Symonette answers the question, "How can we use assessment in a culturally responsive manner to support the social and emotional development of learners?" November 9, 2021

LM-Tony Alpert: How districts can use the three types of interim assessments- Sept. 29, 2020

In this ALN Learning Moment video, SBAC executive director Tony Alpert answers the question, "How can districts use the three different types of interim assessments throughout the school year?"- 9.29.20.

LM-Tony Alpert: Most effective ways to use interim assessment and Tools for Teachers in a remote learning setting-Sept. 29, 2020

In this ALN Learning Moment video, SBAC executive director Tony Alpert answers the question, "What are we learning about the most effective ways to use interim assessment and Tools for Teachers in a remote learning setting?"- 9.29.20.

LM-Vaughan-Southard: How Arts and SEL competencies intersect

In this Learning Moment video, presenter Heather Vaughan-Southard answers the question, "How does engagement with the creative process and the disciplinary demands of the arts intersect with the five core competencies of social and emotional learning?" November 9, 2021

MAC Assessment Nuggets

This set of 10 fact sheets contain simple descriptions of a single assessment topic and point to resources for further learning. These "gold nuggets" of assessment knowledge are available for sharing with colleagues. Tack printed posters to a bulletin board, or share select slides during professional learning events. Their use is limited only by your creativity!

MAC Reads! Book Study Process Guide: Revolutionize Assessment 

The webinar articulates the if – then arguments that explain in lay terms the psychology of assessment for learning. The process guide supports group reading and study for the book Revolutionize Assessment.

MAC Statement: Components of an Equitable Assessment System

This policy statement asserts MAC's beliefs about the learners' ability to achieve rigorous, ambitious academic outcomes when they are provided with sufficient learning pportunities supported through meaningful assessment processes. It also describes what we mean by equitable assessment wherein schools help all students achieve ambitious outcomes and identifies the components such assessment systems must include.

MAC Statement: Return-to-School 2020

Recommendations for Michigan's 2020-21 "Return-to-School" during COVID-19

MAEIA 360 Model Assessment

MAEIA Professional Learning Modules

MAEIA Project–Model Assessments

This site offers a catalogue of 360 curriculum-embedded performance events and tasks for K-12 fine arts teachers in disciplines of dance, theatre, visual arts and music.