Assessment Learning Network Resources

Browse our Learning Points, keynote presentations, videos, and more.


LM-Margaret Heritage: How formative assessment requires teacher to think differently (BBAF22)

In this Learning Moment video, Margaret Heritage answers the question: In what ways does implementing formative assessment require teachers to think differently about the relationship between instruction and assessment?

LM-Margaret Heritage: How one person can change system-wide assessment practices

In this ALN Learning Moment video, Margaret Heritage answers the question, "With so many players in the system, how can any one person begin to change system-wide assessment practices from their own individual role?"- 2.13.17.

LM-Margaret Heritage: Impact of formative assessment best practice on student learning

In this ALN Learning Moment video, Margaret Heritage answers the question, "What impact would formative assessment best practices have on student learning if they were used widely across the state?"- 2.13.17.

LM-Margaret Heritage: Learning conditions for formative assessment practices to work well

In this ALN Learning Moment video, Margaret Heritage answers the question, "What learning conditions need to be in place in order for formative assessment practices to work well?"- 2.13.17.

LM-Margaret Heritage: Message to educational professionals of Michigan

In this ALN Learning Moment video, Margaret Heritage answers the question, "What is one message that you would like to leave with the educational professionals of Michigan?"- 2.13.17.

LM-Margaret Heritage: Pre-service and induction programs and the formative assessment process

In this ALN Learning Moment video, Margaret Heritage answers the question, "What could pre-service preparation programs and induction programs do to better support novice teachers in their acquisition and use of the formative assessment process?"- 5.8.18.

LM-Margaret Heritage: Professional learning models that support educators in the formative assessment process

In this ALN Learning Moment video, Margaret Heritage answers the question, "What professional learning models effectively support practicing teachers and administrators who seek to deepen their understanding and become accomplished with the application of formative assessment practice?"- 5.8.18.

LM-Margaret Heritage: U.S. assessment practices

In this ALN Learning Moment video, Margaret Heritage answers the question, "How do assessment practices in the U.S. compare to those in other countries?"- 2.13.17.

LM-Margaret Heritage: Why do students need to be partners in the assessment process?

In this ALN Learning Moment video, Margaret Heritage answers the question, "Why do students need to be partners in the assessment process?"- 2.13.17.

LM-Marianne Perie: Achieving a balance between assessing and learning

In this ALN Learning Moment video, Marianne Perie answers the question, "How can local school districts best achieve a useful balance between assessing and learning?"- 12.15.17.

LM-Marianne Perie: Components of interim assessments

In this ALN Learning Moment video, Marianne Perie answers the question, "What components would be necessary for an interim assessment to provide information to address a specific purpose?"- 12.15.17.

LM-Marianne Perie: Educators involvement in purchase of interim assessment products

In this ALN Learning Moment video, Marianne Perie answers the question, "In your experience, how are educators included in decisions about the purchase of interim assessment products?"- 12.15.17.