Assessment Learning Network Resources

Browse our Learning Points, keynote presentations, videos, and more.


LM-Ellen Vorenkamp: Tools for Teachers- Sept. 29, 2020

In this ALN Learning Moment video, Ellen Vorenkamp from Wayne RESA answers the question, "What are the Tools for Teachers and how might teachers use them?"- 9.29.20.

LM-Heather Vaughan-Southard: Collaborative scoring

In this Learning Moment video, Heather Vaughan-Southard answers the question, "Why do teachers sometimes describe collaborative scoring as the most effective professional learning they’ve engaged in?"-1.30.20.

LM-Heather Vaughan-Southard: How performance assessment benefits students

In this Learning Moment video, Heather Vaughan-Southard answers the question, "How does performance assessment benefit students?"-1.30.20.

LM-Heather Vaughan-Southard: How performance assessment benefits teachers

In this Learning Moment video, Heather Vaughan-Southard answers the question, "How does performance assessment benefit teachers?"-1.30.20.

LM-Heritage-Wylie-How to support teachers in their ambitious teaching and formative assessment

In this Learning Moment video, co-authors Margaret Heritage and Caroline Wylie answer the question, "How can teachers be assisted to develop and deepen their knowledge and skills to implement ambitious teaching and formative assessment to benefit all student's learning?" March 10, 2022

LM-Heritage-Wylie-Supporting students to become agents in their own learning

In this Learning Moment video, co-authors Margaret Heritage and Caroline Wylie answer the question, "How does ambitious teaching and formative assessment process support students to become agents in their own learning?" March 10, 2022

LM-Heritage-Wylie: How ambitious teaching and formative assessment support every student

In this Learning Moment video, co-authors Margaret Heritage and Caroline Wylie answer the question, "How can ambitious teaching and integrated formative assessment support every student to reach valued educational goals?" March 10, 2022

LM-Heritage: Disciplinary specific classroom examples of ambitious teaching and FAP

In this Learning Moment video, author and assessment expert Margaret Heritage answers the question: What can we learn from disciplinary specific classroom examples of the practical implementation of ambitious teaching and the formative assessment process? 3.9.23 (3:35)

LM-James Pellegrino: Assessing science and social studies

In this ALN Learning Moment video, James Pellegrino answers the question, "When assessing science and social studies content, we often wonder if assessment results tell us more about a students' reading comprehension then they do about the content being assessed. How would you respond to those concerns?"- 10.10.17.

LM-James Pellegrino: Balanced assessment system tied to college and career readiness standards

In this ALN Learning Moment video, James Pellegrino answers the question, "What would it take for a state like Michigan to design and implement a coherent and balanced assessment system tied to college and career readiness standards?"- 12.16.16.

LM-James Pellegrino: Balanced assessment system tied to contemporary science standards

In this ALN Learning Moment video, James Pellegrino answers the question, "What would it take for a state like Michigan to design and implement a coherent and balanced science assessment system tied to contemporary science standards?"- 10.10.17.

LM-James Pellegrino: Common conceptions about educational assessment

In this ALN Learning Moment video, James Pellegrino answers the question, "What are the conceptions of assessment that most people you know, including policy makers, educators, parents, and the general public, have about educational assessment?"- 12.16.16.