Assessment Learning Network Resources

Browse our Learning Points, keynote presentations, videos, and more.


Link Between Student Motivation and Assessment Practices

The video conference and supporting document emphasize the practices necessary to: provide more descriptive feedback during learning, and turn students into assessors and confident learners.

Linking Formative Assessment to Scaffolding

This article describes the connections between good learning theory and formative assessment.

Literacy Essentials

Compilation of Essential Practices in Early Literacy MAISA GELN, 

LM-Andrew Ho: “Equitable measurement” and “measuring equity” (BBAF22)

In this Learning Moment video, Andrew Ho answers the question: Why is it important to distinguish between "equitable measurement" and "measuring equity"? BBAF22 (3:14)

LM-Andrew Ho: “Systemic validation” and assessment purpose (BBAF22)

In this Learning Moment video, Andrew Ho answers the question: Describe an example of "systemic validation" that separates and advances the purposes that educational tests can serve. BBAF22

LM-Andrew Ho: Challenge of simultaneously serving multiple testing purposes (BBAF22)

In this Learning Moment video, Andrew Ho describes examples of tradeoffs that illustrate the challenge of simultaneously serving multiple purposes of educational testing. BBAF22

LM-Andrew Ho: Conflicting purposes in use of interim/benchmark test scores (BBAF22)

In this Learning Moment video, Andrew Ho answers the question: How can a conflicting purpose corrupt the use of all interim test scores, and how should we design the system to avoid this corruption? BBAF22

LM-Andrew Ho: Equitable assessment challenges (BBAF22)

In this Learning Moment video, Andrew Ho answers the question: What kinds of challenges are we facing in making equitable assessment a reality? BBAF22

LM-Andrew Ho: Four purposes of testing and how they conflict/corrupt each other (BBAF22)

In this Learning Moment video, Andrew Ho answers the question: What four purposes of educational testing can conflict and corrupt each other? BBAF22

LM-Andrew Ho: Interim/benchmark score reports (BBAF22)

In this Learning Moment video, Andrew Ho answers the question: What should interim/benchmark score reports look like for teachers, parents, and administrators, and how can each audience best use these scores? BBAF22

LM-Andrew Ho: Separate purposes for interim/benchmark assessments (BBAF22)

In this Learning Moment video, Andrew Ho answers the question: What are the separate purposes that interim/benchmark assessments intend to serve? BBAF22

LM-Andy Middlestead: Engaging teachers in collaborative scoring of performance assessment

In this Learning Moment video, Andy Middlestead answers the question, "How does engaging teachers in collaborative scoring of performance assessments increase equitable access to quality education for all Michigan students?"-1.30.20.