Leveraging the Science of SEL: How to support health and wellness during the COVID-19 Crisis

Emotions matter, perhaps now more than ever before. As we work to navigate our new normal with our families and colleagues and school communities, we can look to the science of social and emotional learning (SEL) for guidance and best practices to regulate our emotions. At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will understand the basic components of SEL, identify helpful and productive strategies to regulate emotions in their socially-distanced contexts, and explore how to incorporate the assessment of emotions in their interactions with family, peers, and students.


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Presenter: Christina Cipriano

Christina Cipriano, holds a dual appointment at the Yale School of Medicine as Director of Research at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence (YCEI) and a Research Scientist at the Yale Child Study Center. As an Applied Developmental and Educational Psychologist, her research focuses on the systematic examination of classroom social processes in the promotion of pathways to optimal developmental outcomes for traditionally underserved student and teacher populations. She has extensive experience working in classrooms and schools, providing training to teachers and support staff, and direct instruction to students. As the Director of Research at the YCEI Christina oversees, designs, and maintains large-scale basic and applied research studies on: emotions, emotional intelligence, and social and emotional learning.

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